EAOO järjestää Special Interest Group -verkkoluennon koronaviruksen vaikutuksista perjantaina 19.6.2020. Luennolla käydään läpi COVID-19 pandemian vaikutuksista tehdyn kyselyn tulokset. Kysely toteutettiin Euroopan korkeakouluissa, joissa opetetaan optometriaa ja/tai optiikkaa.
Alla on EAOO:n kutsu online-luennolle sekä tarkemmat ohjeet osallistumiseen:
Special Interest Group on Education
- Date: Friday, 19 June
- Time: 10:00 – 12:00 pm CEST (Madrid) / 09:00 – 11:00 UK time
- Topic: Teaching challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- SIG moderated by:
- Dr. Ellen Svarverud, FEAOO, University College of South-Eastern Norway
- Ms. Rupal Lovell-Patel, FEAOO, University of Central Lancashire
Results from our survey evaluating the impact of measures against COVID-19 taken by European Higher Education Institutions that teach Optometry and/or Optics courses will be presented.
Access guidance
- To attend the meeting, please register here and save the date in your calendar. The meeting link will be circulated 1 hour before the event. Only registered participants will be allowed into the meeting room.
- When signing on to the platform, we kindly ask you to state your name and surname. Unrecognizable participants will not be admitted into the meeting room (e.g. iPhone or Jamie’s Samsung).
- All participants will be muted upon entry.
- The discussion will be recorded and will be made available for members in the dedicated members section.
- For any questions, get in touch with us at admin@eaoo.info.